Saturday, September 8, 2012

Shitake! September 8, 2012

Back in October we cut down a small oak tree in the back woods and dragged it down to the creek with the idea that it would be perfect mushroom territory.  We busted our humps and managed to innoculate 4 logs (don't laugh til you try it...that took a long time).  We drilled 1 inch holes in the logs and hammered in sawdust that was innoculated with shitake mushrooms.  Then we sealed them with beeswax and arranged them in a square elevated off the ground.
 Since Chris and I take the "natural/lazy" approach we let good ole mother nature do her thing.  We didn't dunk them in water or hit them on the ends with a hammer.  We didn't even visit them very much.  Funny thing about the natural way...definitely way less productive and other mushrooms joined in on the fun which I find a little scary.  But low and behold...almost a year later...we got one!  Ha ha ha ha! 
The shitake is on the right side top log, closest to the camera
Yes, a lone shitake finally reared it's head out of one the holes in the log.  Of course there are mushrooms popping up all over the place right now and the only way I even trust it is the fact it was coming directly out of one of our drilled holes.  So in one week we got an oyster mushroom at the house and a shitake from the woods.  Funny thing is that I think these very items are growing wild in our woods but I am way too chicken to go there. 

Tonight, we have to feed 9 people and that little mushroom will be placed lovingly on top of one of the homemade pizzas. 

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