So the chicks we got in the last week of March before Easter finally started laying on August 20, 2012. That puts them close to 5 months old. I do believe based on the color and chicken behavior that this egg is from one of the Australorps named Goose. Apollo has been paying particular attention to Goose. Since this photo we got a few more eggs and then a week break. Then two green, leathery, soft eggs possibly from the olive eggers and two eggs yesterday, September 3rd, one light one (lavender orpington probably) and one a little darker which I suspect is from our silver pencil rock Gaylord (thank you Stella for the name). I guess they are slowly coming online while the house crew is going offline.
The house crew has one broody silver pencil (10 months old), one silver pencil that just got over being broody, a wandering Rhode Island Red and two chickens - a Rhode Island Red and a Buff Orpington - that won't come out the coop at all right now. They seem to be coming out of a molt and definitely do not want the attention of Owl, the Americauna rooster who desperately needs some hens to love. I feel bad for him.
I'm thinking about switching around the paddock crew and house crew. I think the australorps are designed for foraging. They are very good at it and would do well with the house crew which is true free range. I'm just worried about upsetting the balance we have now. You know how it is...mess with a chicken's world and you won't see an egg for weeks!
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