Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Apollo the chicken god

Can you believe that this chick... 

Is now this rooster?

Apollo (started off as Iris before she became a he) is a gorgeous Silver Pencil Rock Cockrel.  This has to be the luckiest rooster on the planet.  So when we got our 12 chicks on Easter, we planned on harvesting all but one rooster.  We figured we would like one more than all the rest and that lucky rooster would be spared to take care of the remaining females.  Not only did Apollo win, but he was the ONLY rooster!  He now has a harem of 11 beautiful young hens (only 1 he is related to in any way) to protect and serve - and serve - and serve - and serve!  He is a chicken god.  You can't see it in the picture very well but he has enormous feet.  And he is a really nice bird.  Win for everyone indeed.

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