Thursday, October 11, 2012

Chicken Coop Improvements

New and improved nesting boxes at work!
After a month of having daily Easter egg hunts, looking for where the chickens were laying their eggs, I decided it was time to improve the nesting boxes in the mobile coop.  I knew they were lacking and in need of improvements from the beginning, but like everything...there were so many other things that were more important, necessary, or fun than figuring out what to do.  I had two issues to resolve as far as I could tell.  The first was the nesting boxes were too big.  This was resolved by going from two boxes to three.  I think that alone was the best improvement.  And second was the issue of bedding material.  I was using pine shaving shavings which worked well when they were young and sleeping/pooping in the boxes.  But I figured it was time for some straw.  Once I made the boxes smaller and added the straw, the eggs just started pouring in!  I get between 7 to 11 a day now.  Woohoo!!!!
Beautiful sea grass basket Montana gave me for my birthday!
Mini Cooper - she lays the gorgeous green egg pictured above

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